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Whole Foods Fights Childhood Hunger

Whole Foods Market is launching a fundraising campaign to support Share Our Strength’s new No Kid Hungry Campaign, a national effort to end childhood hunger in America by 2015.

“Share Our Strength’s work demonstrates a very genuine concern for children and the fight against hunger in the communities we serve,” said Walter Robb, Whole Foods co-CEO. “We are proud to bring this fundraising opportunity to light in our stores to make a difference this holiday season.”

Share Our Strength works with state, community and private sector leaders across the country to connect families facing hunger with the programs that can help them.

Through Dec. 31, American Express will donate 10 cents for purchases made with any eligible American Express card at Whole Foods to Share Our Strength (minimum donation of $250,000, maximum $500,000 contribution). Whole Foods will donate $1 for the first 15,000 customers who take the No Kid Hungry pledge, and also for each gift card purchased online.

“Nearly 17 million children in our country don’t consistently get the nutritious food they need to grow and thrive,” said Billy Shore, Share Our Strength executive director. “Whole Foods is making an important commitment to ensuring that no kid in America grows up hungry.”

Through its No Kid Hungry Campaign, Share Our Strength ensures children in need are enrolled in federal nutrition programs, invests in community organizations fighting hunger, teaches families how to cook healthy meals on a budget, and builds public-private partnerships to end hunger, both nationally and at the state level.

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