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The Retail Marketing Platform
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Welcome to Retail Media Networks 3.0 — The Retail Marketing Platform


First, there were aggregated ad networks. Then we saw the rise, and eventual tipping point, retail media networks (RMNs). Today, those RMNs are evolving into what’s next — Retail Marketing Platforms. They take everything you love about RMNs — like increased revenue and the ability to engage shoppers with relevant messaging when and where it matters — and power it up to the next level. Plus, they add capabilities that were never possible before, allowing you, for the first time, to unify segmentation, marketing and attribution across all channels.


Five Key Benefits of the Retail Marketing Platform


  • Better integration between marketing and merchandising
    When RMNs first arose, there was very little integration between marketing and merchandising. With a Retail Marketing Platform, marketing and merchandising have become tightly integrated.
  • Sharpened shopper focus
    Today’s Retail Marketing Platforms are powered by customer data, and everything that happens in those platforms is focused on meeting actual shopper needs and responding to known behaviors.
  • Increased personalization
    Today’s shoppers have come to expect personalized communications and offers based on their preferred brands, products and lifestyle. Thanks to the data-driven nature of Retail Marketing Platforms, retailers can reach out to shoppers in a much more authentic and personalized way.
  • Simplified cross-channel attribution
    A Retail Marketing Platform connects and integrates all touchpoints along the shopper journey, so attribution reporting is simplified. Retailers can now show CPGs that their promotion funds are being used effectively, which strengthens the relationship.
  • Flexible and scalable
    The Retail Marketing Platform is built to be modular. This gives retailers the freedom to leverage multiple providers to support their network, or add new providers to their existing stack, while still maintaining a level of integration across channels.


Why Should You Upgrade?


  • Unified marketing portfolio
    Unlike RMNs, Retail Marketing Platforms offer brands and advertisers a complete marketing portfolio that includes all shopper touchpoints across loyalty, promotions and media — both in-store and online.  
  • Individual customer profiles
    Because they manage first-party data at the customer level, Retail Marketing Platforms unify shopper behaviors under individual, single-customer profiles, which allows them to maintain a persistent view of each customer across all channels. This enables brands to target the same customer across each touchpoint.
  • Enhanced reporting and optimization
    If you don’t know how your promotions and media are performing across all channels, then you don’t have the information you need to shift messaging and tactics when necessary. Retail Marketing Platforms give you those important insights, aggregated throughout the shopper journey.
  • Increased collaboration and teamwork
    Siloed marketing and merchandising is a thing of the past. Retail Marketing Platforms promote collaborative, cross-team commercial planning — which streamlines processes, strengthens communication, and unifies KPIs.


Want to Know More About the Power of the Platform?

If you’re ready to upgrade, or just want more information about the Retail Marketing Platform, visit

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