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Wal-Mart, PBH Ready For Curious George 'Retailtainment' Promo

WILMINGTON, Del. -- The Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBH) here expects that kids and their families will go ape over the Feb. 11 retailtainment event at Wal-Mart Supercenters featuring Curious George sharing the message of healthy eating.

For the event PBH and health-minded sponsors will team up with more than 2,000 Wal-Mart supercenters and Neighborhood Markets to present a national promotion featuring Curious George and his friends. While generations have loved the books about the precocious monkey, Universal Studios is giving the character new life with the Feb. 10 theatrical release of the movie "Curious George."

Dubbed "Get Curious About Good Health," the program will leverage Curious George's popularity to boost awareness of PBH's Color Way message, which encourages consumers to eat a colorful variety of fruits and vegetables every day for better health. It is anticipated that the event will reach more than 10 million consumers.

Children visiting Wal-Mart supercenter produce departments will receive a Curious George-themed fun-and-games book, designed for kids 2 to 8 years old, while their parents will receive a recipe booklet featuring a medley of fruits and vegetables. Shoppers will in turn be encouraged to visit the produce section with custom point-of-sale signage and a standing floor display, and will also be invited to sample products from supporting vendors.

Targeting mothers, the "Get Curious About Good Health" recipe booklet is shaped like a checkbook, with perforated pages. On one side of each page in the booklet is a Curious George-themed healthy recipe that features at least one supplier's product, with vendor recognition. There are 14 recipes in all, including Orange You Smoothie, Peach Salsa, Chocolate Crumb Banana Shake, and Veggie Mac and Cheese. The other side of the page features Color Way healthy eating messages.

The fun-and-games book includes a letter to parents and Curious Fun Facts on each page. Curious George characters teach children to "monkey see, monkey do" when it comes to healthy eating.

Vendors supporting and featured in the Curious George promotion include A. Duda & Sons, Inc.; Apio, Inc.; Birds Eye Foods; CH Robinson Worldwide, Inc.; Chelan Fresh Marketing; Chiquita Brands, LLC; Cott Beverages, Inc.; Del Monte Foods; DiMare Fresh, Inc.; Dole Fresh Co., Inc.; Florida Dept. of Agriculture & Consumer Services in partnership with Noble Juices; The Hidden Valley Food Products Co.; L&M Cos., Inc.; the Mushroom Alliance, which includes Quincy Farms, Creekside, Kitchen Pride, and JM Farms; Ocean Spray International, Inc.; Seald Sweet Growers, Inc.; Sunkist Growers, Inc.; Tropicana Products, Inc.; and Ventura Foods, LLC.

The Curious George event is the first of the 2006 events hosted by PBH and Wal-Mart, and supported by health-minded sponsors. Since the series began in August 2004, there have been seven events, including Shrek, Charlie Brown, and the Fantastic Four, that have reached millions of families. All of the events have leveraged family-friendly characters to encourage families to eat more fruits and vegetables.

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