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TWIG Video: Why You Should Never Assume What Consumers Want

Communications expert discusses shopper research, today’s female consumers, U.S. market tours and more
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In this episode, Green Purse CEO and Founder Lisa Mabe talks about what American shoppers really want. The communications expert and consultant takes on the task of discovering what’s in customers’ shopping carts and why. Lisa even goes inside consumers’ homes to find out what is in their actual refrigerators! It’s safe to say, she’s on the pulse of what the American shopper wants. 

Lisa discusses the importance of being consumer-led, i.e. having the perspective of the consumer or shopper. “I find that a lot of retailers and brands tend to assume what consumers want, but until you actually ask you don't really know,” she said. 

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She points out that consumer expectations and needs are constantly changing. “There's no substitute for getting out in person and conducting research in the market with your consumers to understand how they think, behave and buy," said Lisa. "I would caution against making too many assumptions.” 

A big focus of Lisa's research career has been the shopping behaviors of women. “On average, around 70% of all grocery shopping decisions are made by women in the United States,” she points out, so this is undeniably an important consumer base to understand. Lisa offers insights on today's female consumers, and why reaching new mothers is especially valuable.

Plus, Lisa discusses an exciting new service her business recently launched: USA Market Tours. These grocery store tours not only focus on consumer insights and how people shop, the service also helps companies especially those from abroad who are not as familiar with the American marketplace better understand the different U.S. retail channels in various regions of the country. Additionally, the tours serve as an invaluable source of what’s trending in the U.S. market. 

Watch the full episode to hear Lisa's insights on today's grocery landscape.

Progressive Grocer’s podcast focuses on the trends, topics and interests that move women forward in grocery retail. If you have an idea for a TWIG podcast topic, contact and/or

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