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Top Women in Grocery Video: Lessons From 40 Years as an Indie

Kowalski's Markets' Mary Anne Kowalski and Kris Kowalski Christiansen talk about the 40-year legacy of the Twin Cities grocer and how family intertwines with their family of customers
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Kowalski's Markets' co-founder and owner Mary Anne Kowalski and CEO Kris Kowalski Christiansen join the TWIG podcast to talk about the 40-year legacy of the popular Twin Cities independent grocer. Mary Anne delves into this legacy, discussing some of the biggest changes she’s encountered since starting the business with her husband Jim in 1983. This includes learning to lead in a male dominated industry and taking a fascinating look at how shopping patterns how evolved (50% of Kowalski's shoppers are now male!). 

[Read more: "EXCLUSIVE: The Secrets to Kowalski’s Markets’ Success as a Women-Owned Business"]

In addition to discussing their commitment to local entrepreneurs, Mary Anne and Kris share their strategy for incorporating their own family recipes into Kowalski's grocery aisles. They also talk about what being “hands-on” means to their respective leadership roles.

And don’t miss the latest scoop on Kowalski's expansion – you may be surprised on where new stores will soon pop up!  

Progressive Grocer’s podcast focuses on the trends, topics and interests that move women forward in grocery retail. If you have an idea for a TWIG podcast topic, contact and/or

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