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That’s Tasty Living Potted Herbs

Organic line meant to drive impulse purchases by home cooks
That’s Tasty Living Potted Herbs

Shenandoah Growers, a grower of fresh organic culinary herbs that has the only large-scale USDA-certified organic soil-based indoor growing system in the United States, plans to roll out a comprehensive living potted herbs program in April under its That’s Tasty brand to enable its retail partners to drive incremental spring sales. The company will also ship what it describes as the first-ever pre-packed shipper displays designed specifically for living herbs, greatly reducing the need for store associates to set up the plants. The displays will come in several configurations and feature bold graphics. With more consumers cooking at home, organic herbs have delivered consistently strong retail sales growth, and are among the highest-impulse purchase items in produce. Shenandoah Growers offers a full line of USDA-certified living organic herbs, including basil, mint, cilantro, parsley, rosemary, thyme and other popular varieties, as well as fresh-cut herbs and stir-in purées. The suggested retail price range for the locally sourced living herbs is $2.49-$3.49 per pot, with an average retail price of $2.99.


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