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Rentrak, Kantar Shopcom Partnership Leverages Card Transactions

Rentrak, which measures viewership of movies and television, will partner with purchase behavior data firm Kantar Shopcom to integrate retail purchase data and information from loyalty, credit and debit cards into its portfolio of solutions. The alliance follows the merging of Kantar Media’s US TV measurement business into Rentrak in October 2014.

The integration of Rentrak’s television-viewing information with Kantar Shopcom’s purchase transaction information will provide advertisers, agencies and TV networks with the ability to target and monitor the effectiveness of their marketing to retailers and brands. It will also allow customers to translate TV impressions and merchant sales to better understand the effect TV and digital companies have on retail sales. Likewise, Kantar Shopcom will integrate Rentrak TV viewing information into its planning, targeting and measurement solutions, most notably its multi-channel and cross-media solutions.

The deal includes multi-sector purchase transaction data and information from more than 300 million U.S. consumers into its television viewing measurement. Kantar Shopcom will integrate Rentrak’s TV viewing information from millions of U.S. households with its purchase transaction information to expand its multi-channel, cross-media planning, targeting and measurement solutions.

"Kantar Shopcom is delighted to partner with Rentrak in the creation and delivery of solutions that combine purchase data and TV viewing behavior, at scale, for the broadest array of retail verticals in the marketplace," Katie Casavant, CEO of Kantar Shopcom, said in a statement.

Chris Wilson, president of national television at Rentrak said, "Rentrak is excited to evolve the use of this integration as it will help move the marketplace to targeting with consumer data that can be used to measure the results of an advertiser’s media buy."

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