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PETA Launches Safeway Boycott

SAN FRANCISCO - PETA and San Francisco-based Food and Social Justice Project recently launched a boycott against Safeway and its subsidiary stores, saying the company has refused to match minimum animal welfare standards adhered to by McDonald's, Burger King, and Wendy's.

PETA claims that it attempted to negotiate with Safeway executives for 16 months prior to its announcement of a boycott.

Among its complaints, PETA accuses Safeway of using suppliers who raise hens in crowded, small cages and slice off the birds' beaks, and confine breeding sows to concrete stalls no larger than their own bodies, forcing the animals to lie nearly motionless for months on end.

"We have undercover footage from one Safeway supplier showing pigs being beaten, kicked, slammed to the floor, and bludgeoned with hammers," said Bruce Friedrich, PETA's Vegan Campaign coordinator, in a released statement. "We alerted Safeway to these abuses, but the company continues to buy from the same cruel supplier."

The groups have dedicated a Web site to the campaign, at
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