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  • 55th Annual Consumer Expenditures Study

    Despite the myriad challenges of last year, supermarket sales rose 3.5 percent from 2000, when the economy was in decidedly better shape. All departments shared in the advance.
  • Supermarket GROCERY Business: Holidays on ice

    Suppliers are looking to the consumer press to help them spread the word that frozen foods should be an important part of holiday meals.
  • PG PROFILE: Winn-Dixie

    The chain writes a new song of the South, dancing to a traditional retail tune that plays more to fried chicken lovers than sushi eaters.
  • Cuba Gets First Shipment of U.S. Brand-name Food

    HAVANA - Cuban supermarkets on Sunday received the first shipment of U.S. brand-name food sold directly to the communist country since Washington imposed an embargo more than 40 years ago, Reuters reports.
  • USDA Launches Consumer Web Site with Food Label Info

    WASHINGTON - The USDA on Thursday launched a consumer Web site that lists a breakdown of fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber and calories for more than 6,000 foods, Reuters reports.
  • Poll Reveals Shoppers Explore Different Formats, But Prefer Supermarkets for Food

    WASHINGTON, D.C. and SANTA MONICA, Calif. - Consumers still conduct their primary shopping at supermarkets, but feel they save more money and receive better value while being tempted to buy more items when shopping at warehouse club stores and supercenters, according to a new consumer poll.
  • The almighty dollar stores

    Supermarket operators beware! Dollar stores are selling more food, listing more items at above a buck, and proliferating at the rate of more than 1,000 a year.
  • FEATURE: Beyond Cinco de Mayo

    So you've done a few special promotions and added some Hispanic products to your store. Now's the time to create an ethnic merchandising strategy for 365 days a year.
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