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NFRA Touts Frozen Food in March

In observance of National Frozen Food Month, the National Frozen & Refrigerated Foods Association (NFRA) has introduced a national sweepstakes, weekly freezer giveaways and a behind-the-scenes glimpse at the journey frozen food makes from field to family table.

“Bean,” a brief video from the Harrisburg, Pa.-based nonprofit trade association, shows how most frozen food is created using the same real ingredients home cooks employ.

Among the additional facts the NFRA is eager to disseminate to consumers are that frozen fruits and vegetables are as nutritious as their fresh and canned counterparts; freezing acts as a natural preservative, so many of frozen food products contain no preservatives; and frozen fruits and vegetables, when properly blanched and packaged for the freezer, can be safely stored for eight to 12 months.

Besides March National Frozen Food Month, NFRA is the sponsor of June Dairy Month, the June/July “Ice Cream & Novelties” promotion, and the October “Cool Food for Kids” educational outreach program.

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