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Newcastle Unveils ‘No Bollocks’ Summer Retail Program

Newcastle Brown Ale, a brand of White Plains, N.Y.-based Heineken USA, is kicking off summer sales with the extension of its “No Bollocks” retail program.

Beginning this month, Newcastle will encourage adult consumers to bring a refreshing dose of honesty and fun to their at-home consumption and summer entertaining while enjoying the taste of Newcastle Brown Ale.

“Our consumers have spoken. They are tired of the same old marketing clichés,” said Brett Steen, brand manager for Newcastle, Heineken USA. “This summer, Newcastle pulls back the veil on beer marketing and promotions by admitting that it won’t make consumers more popular, better looking or funnier – it can’t. It’s a beer. But it is a refreshingly delicious beer that provides support elements our retail partners need to drive incremental sales of Newcastle Brown Ale this summer.”

A range of signature “No Bollocks” display and POS materials will be available at retail, as well as channel relevant cross-merchandising IRC (instant redeemable coupons) and MIR (mail in rebate) offers on seasonally-relevant items and the purchase of Newcastle.

“Whether on display, shelf, or in the cold box,” Steen added, “Newcastle’s ‘No Bollocks’ Summer retail program will keep Newcastle Brown Ale top of mind this summer through simple, transparent and humorous in-store communication and special offers that shoppers can relate to and that provide exactly what they need for a fun filled summer from their favorite ‘No Bollocks’ brew, Newcastle.”

Heineken USA, a subsidiary of Heineken International BV, imports a variety of European brands into the U.S., including Heineken Lager, Heineken Light, Amstel Light, Newcastle Brown Ale and Strongbow cider.

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