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New Mobile Solution Aims to Simplify Direct Store Delivery

SAP has developed a new mobile solution for direct store delivery (DSD) designed to simplify the process and improve performance.  

The DSD mobile solution aims to help consumer products companies solve the challenges of lack of access to real-time data, limited role and process optimization, and poor route planning. Companies deploying the solution can materially boost top- and bottom-line performance by reducing costs and increasing revenues.

The solution combines both sales and logistics process requirements for sales, sales management and other related roles, and orchestrates the complex process of selling and distributing goods directly to the final point of sale. It also manages the activities of sales representatives including visit planning, preselling, van selling, taking sales orders and returns, pricing and promotions, audits and surveys, credit checks and performing mixed roles.

DSD operators spend 90 percent of their day on driving and product handling instead of direct selling, according to SAP officials.

“The DSD sales process is a complex one for consumer products companies, who must contend with varying requirements for price, merchandising, promotion and order management across any number of retailers and formats,” said E. J. Kenney, SVP and global head of Consumer Industries for SAP.   

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