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Most Adults Would Buy Organics If They Were Cheaper

A new survey from reveals that nearly three out of four (72 percent) U.S. adults would be more likely to buy organic food items if they were less expensive than regular grocery items.

While organic food items are often the healthiest option, 45 percent of U.S. adults said they never or rarely seek out organic food items. On the flip side, 52 percent said they seek out organic food items when food shopping at least sometimes.

U.S. adults report a variety of reasons for not seeking out organic food. Some adults are ambivalent that organic food is that much healthier, as nearly one-third (31 percent) said they aren’t sure if organic food is better for you than non-organic. In addition, when asked why they don’t seek out organic food items when food shopping, those who never/rarely seek out organic items indicate the following:

- They’re too expensive – 65 percent
- Doesn’t matter to me, don’t see the purpose – 38 percent
- Prefer non-organic food items – 9 percent
- Don’t understand what organic food items are – 8 percent
- Organic food items are not available where I shop – 7 percent
- Other – 6 percent

“Whether you shop for organic items or not, healthy food can take a bite out of your monthly budget,” said Jackie Warrick, president and chief savings officer at “With a little creativity and some homework, you can make healthy food shopping more affordable. In fact, many food shoppers are trying a variety of techniques to keep nutrition high and costs low.”

To buy healthier foods on a budget, Warrick suggests shopping at local farmer’s markets, using coupons and buying in bulk.

This survey was conducted online by Harris Interactive on behalf of CouponCabin from May 21 to 23, among 2,212 U.S. adults ages 18 and older. is a leading online destination for coupons including online coupon codes, printables and grocery coupons.

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