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Lean Pockets Debuts Interactive Digital Soap Opera

Lean Pockets brand sandwiches from Nestlé USA has launched an interactive digital soap opera, “As the Pocket Turns,” to help consumers keep all of those newly minted New Year’s resolutions to eat more healthfully.

In “As the Pocket Turns”, the main character faces a big dilemma, the resolution of which viewers can select. Following the main video, viewers are urged to “choose wisely.”

In tandem with the soap opera launch, Lean Pockets commissioned a survey about making New Year’s resolutions and what choices Americans confront when they seek to improve their lifestyles. The survey, conducted by Wilton, Conn.-based independent market research firm Toluna Inc., asked 1,000 men and women across the United States whether they had made resolutions, whether they could keep them, and what they wanted to resolve or improve most in 2013.

“This time of year, many of us are trying to make improvements when it comes to our lives - career, daily life, healthier living and relationships,” said Roz O’Hearn, a spokeswoman for Solon, Ohio-based Nestlé USA. “Everyone loves making a fresh start and better choices in the New Year. Lean Pockets is a great choice for food that fits with a healthy lifestyle. No matter the goal, we wish everyone success in keeping their resolutions.”

Among survey respondents who admitted to making resolutions, the majority (62 percent) resolved to exercise more, and more than half (59 percent) said they to eat better in the New Year. Both men and women had little faith that they’ll keep their New Year’s resolutions, however, as only 7 percent of women believed they could stick to their goals, and just 5 percent of men.

The survey also found that 53 percent of respondents said that they “needed to lose weight,” while 39 percent said that they can “stay where they are” in terms of body type; more than 31 percent have regularly made a New Year’s resolution, 35 percent of all respondents admitted that they had broken resolutions, and 51 percent felt that that sharing resolutions with family and friends would help them stick to their goals.

In answer to this last statistic, Lean Pockets developed platform for consumers to publicly share their resolutions. After watching “As the Pocket Turns,” fans can submit their real world resolutions on the Lean Pockets Facebook page to help each other keep their 2013 resolutions. For every fan who “likes” the page, the brand will give away one coupon for Lean Pockets sandwiches.

Nestlé USA is part of Nestlé S.A. in Vevey, Switzerland, the world’s largest food company with a commitment to nutrition, health and wellness.

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