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Lamb Contest Lets Fans Share Protein Passion

During February, otherwise known as “Lamb Lovers Month,” besotted consumers have a chance to write their way to a tasty prize package.

The American Lamb Board and 80,000 shepherds across the United States are urging fans of the protein to express their passion in lamb love letters to be posted online.

Aspects of Love

Each week this month, the Denver-based board will choose the best mash notes in each of the following categories: romantic, humorous and creative. The 12 winning letters will be published on Facebook, and winners will receive an American lamb prize package yielding romantic meals for two or fun family dinners.

The promotion also includes recipes and cooking tips on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram all month long.

The American Lamb Board is an industry-funded research and promotions commodity board that represents all sectors of the American lamb industry, including producers, feeders, seed stock producers and processors.

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