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Kings Beefs Up Back to School Promo

Coinciding with this year’s back-to-school season, the beef checkoff will launch its first “Back to School with Beef” campaign and sweepstakes from Sept. 10 through Nov. 2 to promote the nutritional value of lean, protein-packed beef to consumers in the highly populated Northeast corridor.

As part of the checkoff's Northeast beef promotion initiative, Back to School with Beef has tapped 107 participating retail locations to display in-store shelf wobblers and distribute recipe booklets that include six kid-friendly recipes as well as nutritional facts about proper growth and childhood development.

“The shoppers utilize the promotional and informational materials for meal planning,” said Michael Lamb, meat and seafood director for Parsippany, N.J.-based Kings Super Markets. “We believe that the materials can help increase the frequency of beef purchases, and this allows us to incorporate our positive messages about the benefits of beef into the shopper’s routine.”

To enter the sweepstakes, consumers can visit the promotion’s official website between Sept. 10 and Nov. 2. Grand prizes include a $250 Staples gift card and a $250 grocery gift card; runner-up prizes include $50 gift cards from each participating retailer and a copy of the "Healthy Beef Cookbook."

More information about the beef checkoff is available on its official website.

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