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Joint Industry Coupon Committee Calls for Comments on GS1 Databar Size Reduction

The Joint Industry Coupon Committee (JICC) is currently soliciting comment from industry stakeholders on the proposed size reduction of the databar proposed by GS1 US on behalf of coupon issuers, which would reduce the width of these bar codes by approximately 20 percent, enabling them to fit on smaller coupons or free up space on larger coupons.

According to the Grocery Manufacturers Association, the width reduction is made possible by narrowing the width of bars and spaces in the bar code, and that on a normal coupon, the move will save at least half an inch in total width without reducing the bar code’s data capacity.

The change is being sought because manufacturers increasingly seek to create more sophisticated offers that require more data to be encoded in the bar code. The additional data increases the size of the bar code and intrudes on space used to explain the offer to the consumer. Testing of the smaller size bar codes has been conducted by GS1 US and Ohio University, following a plan accepted by the AIM Technical Symbology Committee. Some manufacturers are already issuing coupons with the smaller dimension, with no detrimental effects being reported, according to GMA.

The review period runs through Nov. 24, 2010. Stakeholders are encouraged to contact Logan Kastner, senior manager, industry affairs, GMA at [email protected] to share feedback.

The JICC works to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the development, distribution and redemption of coupons. It is composed of individuals from retailers and manufacturers who oversee coupon programs, and includes representatives from GMA, GS1 US, the Food Marketing Institute, National Grocers Association, and National Association of Chain Drug Stores.

The GMA represents more than 300 food, beverage, and consumer product companies in the United States and around the globe.


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