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Hillphoenix Atteneds White House Roundtable on Sustainability

For the second consecutive year, Hillphoenix is meeting with White House officials today to discuss ways commercial refrigeration manufacturers and food retailers can reduce global-warming emissions and increase energy efficiency.

Company President and CEO Paul Sindoni is joining other business leaders for the White House Industry Leader Roundtable, in Washington. Roundtable participants are reviewing sustainability commitments made in 2015 and talking about next steps for curbing hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).

“We’re proud of the progress our company and industry have made over the last year,” Sindoni said. “Hillphoenix installed 50 HFC-free Advansor CO2 Booster systems in supermarkets and convenience stores — an increase of more than 220%. Our Close the Case initiative put doors on over 12.3 miles of open refrigerated cases and prevented approximately 87.1 million pounds of harmful emissions from going into the atmosphere. Plus, we installed the country’s first CO2 ice rinks — showcasing broader applications for our sustainable refrigeration technologies.

“We welcome this opportunity for further discussion with White House and regulatory officials, food retailers and other manufacturers and suppliers about how our industry can improve sustainability while promoting business growth and efficiency,” Sindoni continued.

Hillphoenix's improvements in alternative refrigerants and energy efficiency have removed more than 2 billion pounds of harmful emissions from the atmosphere since 1996, the company said. In addition, over the past decade, the Hillphoenix Learning Center has trained more than 25,000 industry professionals on alternative refrigeration systems and other new technologies.

The company was a founding member of the Environmental Protection Agency’s GreenChill Partnership, a voluntary program that aims to reduce refrigerant emissions and includes more than 11,000 partner stores. Hillphoenix recently received its fifth GreenChill award since the program began in 2007.

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