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The Hershey Co. Named to Dow Jones Sustainability Index

The Hershey Co. has been selected to both the Dow Jones Sustainability World and North America Index.

As one of only 13 companies from the food, beverage and tobacco industry in the World Index, Hershey ranked at least the 90th percentile in each of the three categories of Economic, Environmental and Social criteria. This is the second year in a row Hershey has been included in the North America Index and the first year that the company has been named to the World Index.

Hershey’s selection to the World Index reflects the company’s substantial progress in its global Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts. One example where the company made significant progress in the past year is the category of water management. Recognizing that water utilization represented an opportunity for improvement, Hershey’s operations team and its Water Resource Council engaged manufacturing employees to identify and act upon opportunities to reduce the company’s water footprint and elevate the focus on addressing water utilization in the manufacturing facilities.

Other factors included the opening of the highly water-efficient West Hershey manufacturing plant and third-party audits and analysis that resulted in Hershey’s engineering team installing the latest in water saving technology.

“Hershey’s inclusion in the World Index is a clear validation of our continued and accelerated progress in all aspects of social responsibility,” said Terry O’Day, SVP/chief supply chain officer. “We are pleased that we delivered improvements in each category, resulting in balanced results across each area of the DJSI scorecard.”

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