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Group Seeks Unrestricted Use of Generic Food Names

A group of food producers and organizations from multiple countries yesterday launched the Consortium for Common Food Names, an international initiative that seeks to stop efforts to restrict the use of generic food names.

The new consortium opposes any attempt to monopolize generic names that have become part of the public domain, such as parmesan, feta, provolone, bologna, salami and many others, as well as terms used by winemakers such as "classic," "vintage," "fine" and "superior". The consortium will seek to foster the adoption of an appropriate model that protects geographical indications (GI) like "Parmigiano Reggiano" while preserving the right of all producers to use common names like parmesan.

The consortium is not opposed to proper GIs, like "Camembert de Normandie" cheese from France, and "Clare Island Salmon" from Ireland. Products from other parts of the world - such as Washington State Apples, Valle de Colchagua wine from Chile, or Thai Jasmine Rice - may also benefit from similar protection, the group says.

"No one country or entity should own common food names," said Jaime Castaneda, executive director of the new initiative, and senior vice president of trade policy at the U.S. Dairy Export Council. "If such efforts are successful, consumers will no longer recognize many of their favorite foods. Producers around the world will be forced to consider relabeling potentially billions of dollars' worth of food products.

"Arguing that any one group should have an exclusive right to use such names is like claiming that only Italians should be permitted to use the term 'pizza,'" he added.

Many well-known foods trace their origins to Europe, but thanks to decades of trade and the emigration of individual food artisans, these products are now made and enjoyed throughout the world. This has increased the popularity of European varietals to the commercial benefit of European and non-European producers and consumers alike.

"Italian, Swiss and Danish immigrants brought to our land their knowledge, traditions and names of food products," said Miguel Paulon, president of the Argentine Dairy Industry Federation. "Many of the cheese names we use have become protected GIs in Europe, despite the fact that these names were established here for more than a century as generic names."

"At least as much feta and parmesan cheese are made outside Europe as within it," said Errico Auricchio, chairman of the consortium. Auricchio, whose family has been making Italian-style cheeses since 1877, is the president of the award-winning company, BelGioioso Cheese Inc., based in Green Bay, Wis.

"These generic names are in the public domain," he said. "The logical path is to label foods so consumers can choose what they want - whether it's a food from the valleys of France, Italy or Wisconsin. What matters is that they can choose."

The European Commission has been attempting to insert naming restrictions within free trade agreements, as seen in current negotiations with several Western Hemisphere and Asian countries, according to the consortium, adding it will work to inform consumer groups, farmer associations, manufacturers, and agricultural, trade and intellectual property officials of the damage that will be caused if such efforts go unchecked. It will work to foster adoption of high-standard and model GI guidelines throughout the world.

"For over 60 years in Costa Rica and Central America, our producers and processors have, in good faith, used generic names to describe various types of cheese," said Jorge Manuel E. Gonzalez, president of the National Chamber of Milk Producers of Costa Rica. "We are very proud to belong to the consortium and to continue this struggle in partnership with many producers and industries in the world."

The Consortium for Common Food Names is an independent, international non-profit alliance that represents the interests of consumers, farmers, food producers and retailers.



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