B-SIDESUpcycled Crunch Puffs are made with oats discarded during oat milk production Pillsbury Funfetti Celebrations Cake MixProduct brings viral sprinkle cake trend to home kitchens THE FRIDAY 5: Kroger Hit With Another Lawsuit; New Stores for H-E-B, Meijer, More Wonder brand enters new category, private-label news also gained traction this week Back to School, Back to Health: Rethinking Family Nutrition This Fall The back-to-school season presents an opportunity to shift kids and their families to more nutritious eating habits Crystal Light Vodka Refreshers Brand delivers lowest-calorie product of its kind on the market Classic Wonder Brand Launches 1st Line of Snack Cakes Lineup includes mini donuts, cinnamon rolls, creme-filled cupcakes and more Maeve Brand is latest evolution of Seattle Chocolate Charcuterie Craze: Why the Trend Is Here to Stay and How It's Evolving Category remains hot as consumer demand grows and retailers and brands offer new solutions 76th Consumer Expenditures Study: Meet the 2025 Shopper As sticker shock subsides, grocery shoppers are focusing more on quality Bob’s Red Mill Overnight Protein Oats Premium oats purveyor introduces convenient breakfast option 1 2 3 4 5 Next Last