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Fairway Market Helps Tornado Survivors

Remembering how people from across the United States sent aid and comfort to Big Apple residents following 9/11, New York metro-area gourmet food retailer Fairway Market and its customers are responding in kind by raising funds for those affected by the devastating tornadoes that recently ripped through the South and Midwest.

Through Sunday, March 18, all nine Fairway stores in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut are giving shoppers the opportunity to make a cash donation of 1, $3, or $5 at checkout or contribute a case of water. The money, which will be matched by Fairway up to $25,000, will go to send truckloads of water, canned goods, and other nonperishables to distribution centers in Alabama, Kentucky, Georgia, Tennessee, Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia, North Carolina, Illinois, Nebraska and Missouri.

“We take great pride in the fact that social responsibility is in our very DNA as a company,” noted Charles Santoro, co-founder and managing partner of Sterling Investment Partners and Fairway chairman. “And our customers have the same generosity of spirit. So this is a natural initiative for Fairway.”

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