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Fair Trade Month Kicks Off

Fair Trade USA, the leading certifier of Fair Trade products in North America, has launched its ninth-annual Fair Trade Month in October with a campaign aimed at boosting awareness of the program, which in this year alone saw the introduction of more than 120 new products.

During October, the Oakland, Calif.-based nonprofit organization will offer a combination of educational events, in-store sampling programs, online initiatives and community gatherings to help raise awareness and sales of Fair Trade Certified products. This year’s theme is “Count Me In,” and shoppers can take the Fair Trade Month pledge online.

Campaign highlights include:

  • Celebrity Ambassadors: Waterbury, Vt.-based Green Mountain Coffee’s “Great Coffee, Good Vibes, Pass It On” effort stars musicians Grace Potter and Michael Franti.
  • In-store promotions: More than 100 Whole Foods Market stores will offer Fair Trade sampling events throughout the month. Austin, Texas-based Whole Foods has also joined with Fair Trade USA to bring a range of Fair Trade Certified fruits and vegetables to market, including peaches, watermelons, table grapes and bell peppers.
  • Farmer Connections: Fair Trade USA and partner brands will employ social media to tell the story of the farmers and workers benefiting from Fair Trade.
  • Grass-roots Events: Fair Trade supporters will share experiences and resources to bolster grass-roots momentum for Fair Trade at the second Fair Trade Campaigns Conference in Chicago, Oct. 26-28. Local organizers will focus on improving availability and sales of Fair Trade Certified bananas at the community level through the “Go Bananas!” initiative.
  • Social Media Sampling: Fair Trade USA has teamed with San Francisco-based Klout to offer experts in related topics the chance to sample a collection of Fair Trade Certified items.

“With support from consumers and businesses alike, farmers and workers have earned more than $77 million in community development premiums to farmers and workers since 1998,” said Fair Trade USA chief impact officer Mary Jo Cook. “Fair Trade Month is a time to celebrate this accomplishment and inspire a new generation of passionate supporters to help us deliver more impact to more people.”

Fair Trade USA works with 750 importers, manufacturers and brands to bring Fair Trade Certified products to 100,000-plus retail locations in North America. Products and ingredients include tea, coffee, cocoa, sugar and bananas. Coffee is still the top Fair Trade Certified product, with more than 138 million pounds imported into the United States in 2011, leading to an unprecedented $17 million in community development premiums for coffee cooperatives in Central and South America, Africa, and Asia.

Among the Fair Trade Certified products rolled out this year are guayusa tea, stevia-sweetened chocolate and agave, and beeswax and argan oil, now available for body care products.

“Creating big impact for farmers and their families is easy,” added Cook. “If consumers simply swap one item on their shopping list with a Fair Trade Certified item, they'll enjoy quality products while helping others.”

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