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Facebook, Retailer Blogs Top Spots for Customer Feedback: Report

While consumers have more ways than ever to provide feedback to local grocers, new research has revealed that Facebook and retailers' blogs are the top spots where “vocal aficianados” prefer to leave their thoughts.

“Daymon’s Global Look at the Future of Retail,” a report from Stamford, Conn.-based branding firm and broker Daymon Worldwide, shows that among the methods of feedback, Facebook and company-sponsored blogs had the highest preference, at 58 percent and 57 percent, respectively. Trailing the two are live online chat (45 percent), Twitter (44 percent), mobile apps (35 percent) and text messaging (33 percent).

“With shopping becoming more on-demand and personal, engaged shoppers view their favorite brands not as individual transactions, but rather as relationships that extend beyond the four walls of a store or even cyberspace,” the report said. “This expectation requires that retailers and brands provide relevant platforms to enable interaction with shoppers throughout the course of daily life.”

Like any good relationship, however, communication here can't be one-sided – the grocer must be prepared to respond. The study found that consumers' continual point of frustration worldwide was the perception that retailers and brands don't acknowledge their feedback. Companies that are willing to listen and respond to input will strengthen emotional bonds with their shoppers.

The report shared feedback from select individuals on their laments about retailers and brands that didn't respond to their feedback. One person said that while many stores might listen to a few of his ideas as a courtesy, they largely don't attach importance to feedback and make no changes. Another noted how helpful feedback pages that actually get in touch with shoppers are, letting them know that they received the comment and not just waiting until they get a complaint.

Seattle-based ecommerce behemoth stood out significantly as a retailer that understands good customer service. One patron observed how beneficial it is that the e-tailer responds to feedback in as little as half an hour. Another claimed to know that Amazon reads comments because the retailer has “occasionally responded.”

“The opportunity is ripe for other retailers and brands to emulate Amazon’s consumer-centric model and deliver the conversational commerce engaged shoppers are looking for,” the report said. “It is more than words; it is a culture.”

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