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Dos Equis Opts for More Sophisticated Packaging

Dos Equis, the fastest-growing premium Mexican beer brand in the United States, is sprucing up the look of its primary (bottles and cans) and secondary (outer pack) packaging designs. This November, both Dos Equis Lager and Dos Equis Ambar will feature a new design highlighting key brand elements in a more premium manner, in an effort to draw attention to its brewing history and significantly boost visibility and impact on shelves and in displays.

The primary packaging design changes include an updated typeface of the familiar “XX” and rays on the front label to increase brand visibility, switching the profile of Aztec chief Moctezuma (usually known as “Montezuma” in English) from left-facing to right-facing to symbolize the brand’s momentum and forward-thinking character, and the addition of a heritage line on the front label to call out Dos Equis’ unique story.

The brand’s secondary packaging was completely redesigned to bolster sophisticated and premium cues while raising visibility. Among the changes are a front-facing brand logo, and a rich background with various images and texts communicating the brand’s heritage and authenticity. The addition of a Dos Equis bottle and a hand-blown draught glass to the side panel shows the beer’s color, strengthens the visual appeal and helps consumers to distinguish the differences between Dos Equis Lager and Ambar.

“The complete redesign to our secondary design and optimizations to our primary design reflect our aspirations to constantly improve every aspect of the brand, and to continue fueling the great momentum of Dos Equis,” said Ryan Thompson, brand manager for Dos Equis and Sol at white Plains, N.Y.-based beer importer Heineken USA. “The numerous changes address various brand, consumer and retail goals, and we’re confident both consumers and retailers will react very favorably to the new sophisticated look.”

The new 6- and 12-packs of Dos Equis Lager are due to hit retail early next month, and the new Dos Equis Ambar 6- and 12-packs, along with 18- and 24-packs and 24-ounce bottles and cans of lager, will arrive on store shelves in mid-November.

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