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Doing What Comes Naturally

CPG companies continue to make strides toward helping grocers keep their shoppers more informed about what’s in their food. And as more consumers look to make more healthy choices, this information is going to be a key influencer of center store purchases.

Among the latest efforts is Nature’s Pride bread, which recently unveiled revamped packaging to help shoppers on the go. The Texas-based national brand of 100 percent natural breads is decking out its wide-pan Hearty Breads with simplified nutritional benefits to help consumers make healthy, better-informed choices.

“We know making sense of nutritional information can be challenging for busy consumers looking for naturally delicious foods,” said brand manager Stacey Schultz. “So we’ve made it easier to learn about the nutritional benefits of our breads with easy-to-read nutritional facts and icons on all of our popular Hearty Bread varieties.”

For example, the new packaging clearly highlights that each slice of Nature’s Pride 100% Whole Wheat contains 22 grams of whole grains, contains no high fructose corn syrup and is a good source of fiber. Packaging for Hearty Wheat with Flax packaging calls attention to its pure olive oil and omega-3 content. The new callouts will eventually show up on all of Nature’s Pride bread and roll varieties.
Likewise, grocers should be inspired by their suppliers’ efforts and do what they can to help shoppers make more informed choices. From shelf talkers and nutritional rating systems to health-conscious recipes and in-store dietitians, retailers have no reason not to do all they can to boost their center store’s healthy image.

Jim Dudlicek is editor-in-chief of Progressive Grocer.


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