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Dairy Council of Calif. Gives the Lowdown on Milk

A new brochure and infographic from Dairy Council of California tell the whole story behind what the Sacramento-based organization is touting as “America’s favorite natural beverage.” For instance, the first cow came to what’s now the United States way back in the 1600s, and today milk goes from the farm to the store in a mere two days or so.

Milk plays such an important role in our everyday lives that it’s easy to take milk for granted,” noted Ashley Rosales, registered dietitian with Dairy Council of California. “We’re hoping these materials will help people everywhere appreciate milk a little bit more.”

Despite widely reported price rises, milk still remains a great value, according to the organization, pointing out that an 8-ounce glass costs just about 25 cents, as well as that from it consumers get the same amount of calcium as they would from 12 servings of whole grains, 10 cups of raw spinach and eight cups of beans (legumes). The council added that besides being great on its own in a glass, milk can be added to cream soups, puddings, lattes and hot cocoas, and is available in a wide variety of flavors and fat levels, and even in lactose-free versions.

“No single food offers the same great flavor, nutrition, versatility and health benefits of milk,” said Rosales.

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