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Brandless Offering Slate of Products, Eyeing Physical Stores

a person posing for the camera
After shuttering in February, "Brandless is back" according to its website and social media pages.

Brandless may have officially relaunched in June under its new ownership Ikonifi and Clarke Capital, but it didn’t have a lineup of products available, just a bundled product offer. The own brand site is now offering products and has declared on the homepage and in a news release: “Brandless is back.”

The storefront is offering an array of items in home goods, baby, personal care, travel, and health and wellness.

The unique e-commerce platform launched as a store to sell its unbranded, own brand products, but shuttered in February. The reopening now includes weekly deals on items, and consumers can sign up for a newsletter to receive information on new product launches and life-hack content.

The company said it has plans to introduce line extensions of Brandless products over the next 12 months and is expecting to have products on Amazon and in select physical store locations around the nation this year. Before it closed, Brandless discussed rolling out 10,000 items to stores in the United States, a move that would change up its store brand nature of sorts.

Also, as Brandless moves forward, later this month, the company is launching a SeedInvest crowdfunding project.

"We have put a lot of thought and consideration into this option, and this is just one way to go back to our Brandless community. We understand it takes people to create a strong business and we can't create the brand we envision without our community involved," said Ryan Treft, CEO of Brandless.

Upon announcing the resurgence of Brandless, Damon Burton, president of SEO National, said he believed in the Brandless concept and its original concept that garnered $240 million from investors upon its launch. "They found historical recognition by offering the benefits of brand-free products while simultaneously creating one of the most effective brands in e-commerce,” he said.

Treft agrees, saying in the latest company announcement: "Brandless is back and our fundamental belief that quality and fair pricing doesn't have to live in separate worlds, still stands true. We also understand we need to get back to our roots, put our community first and go back to the basics by holding onto the core products that people know and love.”

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