Bids Now Being Accepted on 255 Big Lots Store Leases
The 255 lease properties, which vary in size from 54,610 to 16,321 square feet, are located in the following 41 states: Alabama (four), Arizona (six), Arkansas (three), California (21), Colorado (two), Connecticut (two), Delaware (one), Florida (12), Georgia (eight), Idaho (three), Illinois (six), Indiana (11), Iowa (three), Kansas (two), Kentucky (two), Louisiana (five), Maine (one), Maryland (six), Massachusetts (four), Michigan (seven), Mississippi (one), Missouri (six), Nebraska (two), Nevada (10), New Hampshire (two), New Jersey (12), New Mexico (three), New York (10), North Carolina (four), Ohio (12), Oklahoma (six), Oregon (two), Pennsylvania (seven), South Carolina (two), Tennessee (six), Texas (46), Utah (two), Virginia (five), Washington (four), West Virginia (one), and Wisconsin (three).
Earlier this month, Harrisburg, Pa.-based Ollie’s Bargain Outlet Holdings Inc. revealed itself as the winning bidder in a bankruptcy sale process to acquire seven former Big Lots store leases. The seven stores were part of the first wave of Big Lots store closures, which consisted of 143 stores.
Columbus, Ohio-based Big Lots Inc. operates more than 1,000 stores in 48 states, as well as an e-commerce platform with expanded fulfillment and delivery capabilities. The company is No. 59 on The PG 100, Progressive Grocer’s 2024 list of the top food and consumables retailers in North America.