Bi-Lo Becomes Southeastern Grocers
Bi-Lo Holdings LLC, parent company of the Bi-Lo, Harveys and Winn-Dixie grocery chains, has officially become Southeastern Grocers, effective May 18.
"This change symbolizes that regardless of whether we work for Bi-Lo, Harveys or Winn-Dixie, we are all part of a unified family with a common aim to do the best we can for all of our customers across the Southeast," a spokeswoman for the Jacksonville, Fla.-based company explained.
The spokeswoman further told PG, "We have been referred to as both Bi-Lo Holdings and Southeastern Grocers in the past, and now that we are officially Southeastern Grocers, we wanted to eliminate any confusion."
Along with the formal name change come a new Southeastern Grocers logo and website,