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Beacons Connect with More Millennial Moms: Study

More Millennial moms are reachable via beacons and proximity-based engagement programs in stores, according to data released by inMarket, operator of a beacon proximity platform.

The research reveals that 38 percent of the 9 million U.S. Millennial moms – those born between 1982 and 2000 – are actively using beacon-enabled shopping apps every month. Trading partners can reach this audience via location-based mobile engagements such as welcome messages upon entering a store, calls to action based on specific marketing efforts or branded engagements that are native to the app in which they are delivered.

Beacons are Bluetooth-enabled devices that connect with partnered mobile apps nearby, even if the app is closed and the phone is in the user’s pocket. Beacons rely on apps to receive their signal, which then “wake up” to send ads, coupons or supplementary product information to shoppers. 

“Millennial moms have become the most coveted part of the 18-34 demo due to their leadership role in family spending,” said Todd Dipaola, CEO and founder, inMarket. “Brands know they need to reach these mobile natives on the medium they use most intimately. It's no wonder that modern moms are using the defining technology of our time, mobile phones, to the fullest extent in-store.”

inMarket's beacon proximity platform reaches more than 36 million monthly active shopping app users in thousands of U.S. retail locations.


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