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Associated Food Stores Whips Up ‘Easy As Pie’ Fall Promo

A decidedly American tradition begun in the 1950s as a Halloween promotion has a new “easy-as-pie” spin this fall season with the “Caramel Apples Made Easy” promotional partnership designed by Salt Lake City, Utah-based Associated Food Stores.

Featuring sweet and crunchy apples from Oneonta Starr Ranch Growers of Wenatchee, Wash., and the velvety smooth Werther’s Original Baking Caramels, the promotion provides Associated Food Stores’ retailers with a boxed bundle deal that will roll out in late September and run through Halloween.

All-in-one box will sell to consumers for $9.99, and stores are encouraged to promote the item on an end cap. POS and other seasonal items can be displayed in other areas of the store to generate even more interest, said Bob Newton, AFS category manager. “This is the first time we’ve tried this promotion, and we’re really excited about it,” said Newton. “We’re hoping for great success.”

Boxes and marketing kits will be available for 84 participating Associated Food Stores, all members of the Giving You More share group, by Sept. 25, and the box will be featured in the Oct. 16 ad. Deals will be set up and downloads available starting with the Sept. 25 ad, and stores are encouraged to start sales that week.

The graphically pleasing kit, which will include a 30-ct. package of apple sticks and a bag of chopped peanuts or almonds as well as preparation instructions, provides consumers with a 5-pound bag of Gala or Granny Smith apples and two 9-ounce bags of Werther’s Original Baking Caramels. The box itself has circles printed on the inside bottom – a repurposing of the box as caramel apple-dryer.

The Galas and Granny Smiths from Washington are abundant this year, according to Scott Marboe, marketing director for Oneonta Starr Ranch Growers, who said the quality of this year’s apples is excellent, with both the sweetness of the Gala and the tart snap of the Granny perfect for the “Caramel Apples Made Easy” program.

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