Ahold Delhaize USA Names New President of Food Lion
Ahold Delhaize USA has revealed that Food Lion executive Greg Finchum, currently EVP, retail operations, will assume the role of president in May 2025. The appointment comes a week after Meg Ham announced she will retire from the leadership role.
“We are excited to have Greg, a talented retail operator at heart, step into this role,” said JJ Fleeman, CEO, Ahold Delhaize USA. “Greg has held a variety of roles throughout the organization, including having served as head of strategy and head of retail services. He leads with a strategic discipline and focus that delivers strong results and solid performance at Food Lion. I look forward to working with him more closely in his new role next year as the leader for the brand.”
Finchum joined Food Lion in 1989 and has been in his current role for more than a decade. According to the company, he is a proven leader in delivering consistent sales growth and strong financial performance. He also reportedly has an outstanding track record of building strong brand loyalty among customers and creating emotional connections between associates and the brand. Finchum played an integral role in the strategic repositioning of Food Lion and has continued to lead initiatives to evolve the brand for the future.
A resident of Salisbury, N.C., Finchum added: “I’m humbled to take on this new position in May. I want to thank JJ and Meg for being great mentors and for their confidence in me. Throughout my career at Food Lion, I’ve had the opportunity to work across many functions, in addition to retail operations, that have given me a depth of experience and knowledge about the Food Lion business that will serve me well as I prepare to transition to this new role. I recognize leading Food Lion comes with extraordinary responsibility. We will continue to build upon Food Lion’s heritage and legacy, and nourish the towns and cities Food Lion serves while maintaining convenient locations that offer affordable groceries and excellent service at our more than 1,100 stores. Through our team of 82,000 associates, we are committed to being there for our customers to ensure they can always count on Food Lion as their neighborhood grocery store.”
Salisbury, N.C.-based Food Lion operates more than 1,100 stores throughout 10 southeastern and Mid-Atlantic states, with 82,000-plus associates. Its parent company, Ahold Delhaize USA, a division of Zaandam, Netherlands-based Ahold Delhaize, is No. 11 on The PG 100, Progressive Grocer’s 2024 list of the top food and consumables retailers in North America. PG also named the company one of its Retailers of the Century and one of its 10 Most Sustainable Grocers.