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AFFI Holds Board Elections

The American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI) elected three officers and nine members to its board of directors. The elections took place at the McLean, Va.-based trade organization’s annual meeting and keynote breakfast, held during the 2014 AFFI Frozen Food Convention in San Diego.

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The new offices are Dave Yanda, president and CEO of Manitowoc, Wis.-based international private label foodmaker Lakeside Foods Inc., as chairman; Paul Bakus, president of corporate affairs for Nestlé USA, as vice chairman; and Jeff Varcoe VP of food safety and quality for The Schwan Food Co., in Marshall, Minn., as immediate past chairman.

The nine board members elected to three-year terms are Bob Ashmun, of National Frozen Foods; Denny Belcastro, of Hillshire Brands; Paul DiGenova, of Bonduelle North America; Stan Firestone, of Firestone Pacific Foods; Andrew Loucks, of The Kellogg Co.; Tom Madden, of Rite Stuff Foods; David Moore, of Superior Foods; Paul Palmby, of Seneca Foods; and Mark Schiller, of Pinnacle Foods.

“Each individual brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, which will assist AFFI in enhancing the value we provide our diverse and growing membership,” noted Kraig R. Naasz, the institute’s president and CEO.

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