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Visa USA Says Spending Healthy over Thanksgiving Weekend

SAN FRANCISCO - Consumers were gobbling up good at many retail channels, including grocers, during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, said Visa USA yesterday, based on an analysis of spending on Visa-branded credit, debit and prepaid cards.

The credit card firm said spending in grocery, and drug electronics, and home furnishings stores, helped boost sales, which supported Visa's original projection of 7.5 percent growth (including gas and restaurant purchases) in overall retail sales for the 2006 holiday season.

Three trends have emerged over the weekend as winners, said Wayne Best, s.v.p of business and economic analysis for VISA USA: merchants stocking nontraditional items, such as grocers stocking and discounting toys; self-shopping, as consumers have become much savvier by taking advantage of extended store hours and deep discounts; and a surprise spike in the home furnishings segment.
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