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Price Chopper Hires New V.P., Construction and Engineering

SCHENECTADY, N.Y. -- Golub Corp./Price Chopper Supermarkets said Friday that It named William R. Sweet v.p. of construction and engineering, reporting directly to Don Orlando, v.p. of real estate and construction.

In his new role Sweet will manage design, engineering, construction, and maintenance for the Northeast regional grocer. He comes to Price Chopper with 27 years of experience in real estate, construction, and development, having been involved in a variety of projects throughout the Northeast and Florida.

According to Price Chopper spokeswoman Annette Kowalski, Sweet replaces Mark Sharp, who has left the company.

The family-owned Golub Corp. owns and operates 115 Price Chopper grocery stores in New York, Vermont, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. Golub employs more than 23,000 associates who collectively own 55 percent of the company's privately held stock.
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