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PMA Packaging Research Unwraps Consumer Preference Insights

NEWARK, Del. – A packaging study released by the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) based here reveals new insight into what consumers want, and ways to make packaged fresh produce more appealing.

Consumers’ lifestyles and their desire for a healthy diet requires retail and foodservice outlets to offer options to satisfy consumers’ needs for convenience, according to the PMA Packaging Council-commissioned study titled, “Produce Packaging: A Means to Increase Sales.” Packaged fresh produce fulfills these needs, thus identifying an opportunity to drive sales by marketing these items based on consumer preferences, according to the study conducted by Opinion Dynamics Corporation last year.

Results of the study have been complied into a four-part report which includes packaging trends and benchmarks emerging from a comparison of the two studies, new ways to position proactive packaging innovations, best practices in packaging, and executive interviews from industry leaders on using packaging as a marketing tool.

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