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Penn Traffic-owned Bakery Said Fined for Health and Safety Violations

SYRACUSE, N.Y. -- The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has fined Penn Traffic Co.-owned Penny Curtiss Baking Co. here $120,600 in fines for safety and health hazards, according to published reports. OSHA visited the plant in July, in response to an employee complaint.

Penny Curtiss manufactures bread and other baked goods for supermarket chains in the region.

According to the reports, the agency found 42 violations, among them blocked exit routes; a deficient emergency response plan; trip-and-fall hazards; lack of procedures, training, and equipment to lock out the power sources of machines before performing maintenance; unguarded moving machine parts; unsafe operation of forklifts; and electrical hazards.

The bakery corrected some of the problems during OSHA's visit, Christopher R. Adams, the agency's area director in Syracuse, told the Post-Standard.

Penn Traffic spokesman Marc Jampole told the paper that the company "cooperated fully with OSHA during its inspection," and added that the retailer would ask for an informal conference with the agency to go over the findings.
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