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NTF Once Again Gives President Bush the Thanksgiving Bird

WASHINGTON -- President George W. Bush joined with Ted Seger, chairman of the National Turkey Federation (NTF) based here, to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the first modern National Thanksgiving Turkey presentation.

Seger presented President Bush with "May" -- a 21-week old, 45-pound tom -- whose name was chosen by visitors to the White House Web site.

While occasional presidential Thanksgiving turkey presentations date back to President Abraham Lincoln, the modern tradition began in 1947, when President Harry S. Truman accepted a Thanksgiving bird from NTF and its members.

"This Thanksgiving, we are grateful for a harvest big enough to feed us all -- and millions more," said President Bush. "We are grateful for citizens who reach out to those who struggle and for neighbors in need -- from neighbors in need to the strangers they've never met."

Orefield, Pa.-based Jaindl's Turkey Farm also gave President Bush's family two dressed turkeys, packaged in specially designed Cryovac/Sealed Air Corporation bags, to enjoy at their Thanksgiving dinner.
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