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NACDS Names Legal Exec

ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- The National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) said it promoted Don L. Bell II to s.v.p., legal affairs and general counsel.

During his 10 years at NACDS, Bell served in a number of legal department capacities, including general counsel since 2004. He serves as an advisor to NACDS and chain pharmacies regarding virtually all aspects of federal drug laws, fraud and abuse laws, Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement, antitrust, and employment law.

Bell is also responsible for litigating ongoing lawsuits that affect pharmacies; and assists in analyzing and drafting proposed legislation, and helps work with federal and state government agencies.

NACDS represents chain pharmacies that operate more than 38,000 pharmacies. Other members include approximately 1,000 suppliers of products and services to the chain drug industry.
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