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Food Bazaar, Latino Nutrition Coalition Team on Healthy-eating Pamphlet

BOSTON -- Food Bazaar and Food Dimensions stores in the New York area are collaborating with the Latino Nutrition Coalition (LNC) to provide shoppers with culturally appropriate nutritional information pamphlets aimed at Hispanics.

The free pamphlet, "Camino Magico" ("Magic Road") helps readers lose weight via healthy recipe ideas, details on how to decipher nutrition labels, information on portion control, and other tips. All information is based on the knowledge that eating in traditional patterns will help Latinos regain and maintain their health.

Consumers can find a full list of stores where the "Camino Magico" pamphlet is available in Food Bazaar and Food Dimensions stores in their neighborhoods by visiting

The pamphlet first rolled out in May 2007 in the Houston area at 25 Fiesta Supermarkets, and is being offered in other regional markets.

Founded in 2005 by Oldways, LNC is an educational consortium devoted to bettering Latino health through traditional foods and lifestyles.
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