DeCA Commissaries Triple Organic Foods; CEO to Retire
FORT LEE, Va. -- As U.S. sales of organic foods have grown between 20 percent and 25 percent annually for the past seven years, members of the Defense Commissary Agency have more than tripled the number of organic products available on their shelves.
"To ensure our patrons have available the products they want, we keep an eye on trends," said DeCA director and c.e.o. Patrick Nixon in a statement. "Because of this, you'll see organic selections on our shelves. Organic alternatives are side-by-side with similar non-organic items throughout the commissary," he noted.
"If organic foods appeal to you, but their higher price takes a bite out of your food budget, make the commissary your first choice for purchasing organic," Nixon said. "Our overall price savings of 30 percent or more applies to organic products, too!"
In other DeCA news, Nixon said he will retire effective Oct. 27, capping a federal service career that spanned nearly 30 years.
Nixon has served the past three years as DeCA's acting director and its director and c.e.o., after being appointed chief executive officer in 2001. He is the agency's first career civil servant to have been appointed DeCA director.
Nixon's replacement as c.e.o. and director has not yet been named.
The Defense Commissary Agency operates a worldwide chain of commissaries providing groceries to military personnel, retirees, and their families. Authorized patrons purchase items at cost plus a 5-percent surcharge, which covers the costs of building new commissaries and modernizing existing ones.
"To ensure our patrons have available the products they want, we keep an eye on trends," said DeCA director and c.e.o. Patrick Nixon in a statement. "Because of this, you'll see organic selections on our shelves. Organic alternatives are side-by-side with similar non-organic items throughout the commissary," he noted.
"If organic foods appeal to you, but their higher price takes a bite out of your food budget, make the commissary your first choice for purchasing organic," Nixon said. "Our overall price savings of 30 percent or more applies to organic products, too!"
In other DeCA news, Nixon said he will retire effective Oct. 27, capping a federal service career that spanned nearly 30 years.
Nixon has served the past three years as DeCA's acting director and its director and c.e.o., after being appointed chief executive officer in 2001. He is the agency's first career civil servant to have been appointed DeCA director.
Nixon's replacement as c.e.o. and director has not yet been named.
The Defense Commissary Agency operates a worldwide chain of commissaries providing groceries to military personnel, retirees, and their families. Authorized patrons purchase items at cost plus a 5-percent surcharge, which covers the costs of building new commissaries and modernizing existing ones.