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Customer Service Key Success Factor for Retailers: Survey

LAS VEGAS -- In past years, retailers have attempted to level the playing field in a competitive environment through better management of the supply chain. But many of today's customers are demanding quality, convenience, and personalized service over price -- and retailers are responding, according to a recent retail industry survey.

Retail Systems Research (RSR) conducted the survey for sponsor labor technology provider Kronos, Inc. In a report on the results titled "The State of Retail Workforce Management," researchers said 61 percent of the 160 global retail executives and managers surveyed said they are focused on providing a high-touch customer service strategy, and skilled employees play an important role in it.

Another 24 percent said employees, regardless of the skill sets, play an important role in customer service. Only nine percent said they offer a low-touch customer service strategy where employees play a supplemental role.

"The survey results clearly indicate that the days of the low-price model in retail are numbered," said John Anderson, global practice leader of retail at Kronos, in a statement. "The future of retail lies in customer centricity, and creating and sustaining customer satisfaction will ensure differentiation and success in the long-term. The workforce plays a huge role in this customer-centric journey."

Kronos also used the survey to measure retailers' views on workforce management technology. Seventy-eight percent of respondents cited quality and consistency of customer service, and driving store sales as top business issues they are looking to improve through workforce management technology.

Retail Systems Research conducted the survey online between August 2007 and September 2007, among 160 global retail executives and managers.
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